Our Quick Start Plan is Simple, But Flexible

Like the OPTIFAST plan, the QuickStart plan breaks your total daily calories into 5-6 meals, spaced evenly throughout your day. The advantage of this approach is that appetite is easier to control and blood sugar remains stable.
The Quick Start plan is a combination of pre-packaged single-serving protein supplements, microwave meals, non-starchy vegetables, and a garden salad. The simplicity of using single-serving snacks and meals eliminates the need for journaling or counting calories and significantly reduces meal planning and preparation time.
Benefits of the Quick Start Plan
- Eat a balance of high protein supplements, microwave meals and vegetables.
- Save time on food preparation, shopping and meal planning.
- Enjoy a variety of single serving microwave meals available from your local market.
- Choose from a wide variety of flavors of protein supplements, from oatmeal to soup.
- Have a brisk initial weight loss, usually 10% of starting weight in about 8 weeks.
Patients choosing this approach want to see rapid weight loss, and are willing to substantially change their diet to achieve it, but want to retain some regular table food in their initial diet.